Sponsor a Colombian Bull

Dear Esteemed Members of Tampa Sister Cities and friends,

We would like to bring your attention to an enriching and impactful opportunity. This August, over 50 brilliant minds from Barranquilla will journey to Tampa to further their academic pursuits at the University of South Florida. Their arrival is a testament to the international friendships we foster and the strength of our bond with our Sister City, Barranquilla.

In the past, we have learned that one missing element in these students' journey is a warm, extensive introduction to the vibrant city that Tampa is. This year, we have a chance to change this. The Tampa-Barranquilla Sister City committee has devised a comprehensive city tour to welcome these students and make them feel at home. They will experience the heartbeat of Downtown, the exciting vibe of Channelside, the charm of Armature Works, and the historic richness of Ybor City.

But to make this a reality, we need your help. We're seeking sponsorships of just $50 per student to cover the costs of transportation and a meal for this memorable tour. This is not merely a donation, but an investment in these students' lives and a way of strengthening our city's international relationships.

As sponsors, you'll also be able to attend this event personally. Imagine the joy of welcoming these students, sharing stories, learning about their aspirations, and seeing firsthand your generosity's impact. This, however, would require you to arrange your own transportation.

Join us in showcasing our city's hospitality, culture, and community spirit. Let's ensure these students from Barranquilla remember their arrival in Tampa not as a daunting move, but as a welcome to a city that embraces them with open arms. Let's make a difference, one student at a time. Your support is not only appreciated, but it is crucial to the success of this program.

Thank you for considering this request. Together, we can create a memorable welcome for these students and make Tampa a home away from home.

Warm regards,

Fernando Falquez
Vanessa Martinez
Yasmeen Armoush
Fernando Diaz
Richard Becerra
Tampa-Barranquilla Sister Cities Committee

Alfred Goldberg
Tampa Sister Cities

Sponsor a Colombian Bull

Each student is a $90 sponsorship. Enter the number of students you wish to sponsor, not a $ amount. Please check your total before checking out.
Price: $90.00
Choose how many students you would like to sponsor. Students are $90 each.
Payment Method
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa